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Term Dates


Staff Inset Day Tuesday, 7th January

Dates of term Wednesday, 8th January – Friday, 28th March

Half Term: Monday, 17th February – Friday, 21st February (inclusive)

Staff Inset Day Friday, 14th February (no school):


Staff Inset Day - Wednesday, 23rd April

Dates of term Thursday, 24th April – Wednesday, 9th July

Early May Bank Holiday – Monday, 5th May (no school)

New September Intake ‘Welcome Day’ – Friday, 23rd May (no school)

Half Term : Monday, 26th May – Friday, 30th May (inclusive)


Staff Inset Days - Tuesday, 2nd & Wednesday, 3rd September

Dates of term Thursday, 4th September– Friday, 12th December

Half Term : Thursday, 23rd – Friday, 31st October (inclusive)


Staff Inset Day - Tuesday, 6th January

Dates of term Wednesday, 7th January – Friday, 27th March

Half Term : Monday, 16th - Friday, 20th February(inclusive)

Staff Inset Day - Friday, 13th February


Staff Inset Day - Tuesday, 21st April

Dates of term Wednesday, 22nd April – Friday, 3rd July

Early May Bank Holiday - Monday 4th May (no school)

New September Intake “Welcome Day” – Friday, 22nd May (no school)

Half Term - Monday, 25th – Friday, 29th May (inclusive)

Job Opportunities

If you are interested in career opportunities please email: info@barnesmontessori.co.uk

  • Christmas Charity 2024 - Princess Alice Hospice, Esher

    Mon 10 March 25

    Our chosen Christmas Charity was raising money for the Princess Alice Hospice (Esher). The teams are dedicated and provide free, compassionate care and support for families and their loved ones in their end of life. With the incredible generosity of parents and the local community the sum of £2,143.80 was raised plus some Gift Aid. This was raised after the children’s Christmas Concert through a little auction, raffle, cake stall and amazing donations. The Letter of thanks from the Princess Alice Hospice gives some examples of how... Read more

  • First Aid Training

    Sat 11 January 25

    FIRST AID TRAINING – Saturday, 11th January 2025 All staff comply with having up to date Paediatric First Aid Training. Several staff members updated their training doing a Blended Paediatric Course. The online training also involved a test and subsequently a full day’s face to face training. Read more

  • 50 Faces Nomination

    Wed 11 September 24

    Dear Anne-Marie, Congratulations on being nominated as one of the 50th Anniversary Faces of Barnes! Your community proudly celebrates you. You may be aware that the BCA has been running an Awards Programme in our 50th anniversary year to identify 50 volunteers who make a significant contribution to our community. I am delighted to tell you that you have been nominated by the community of Barnes as one of our 50 Faces. With over a hundred nominations, the competition for our volunteer awards was incredibly strong and all nominees deserve an award for the value they bring to our... Read more

  • Happy Birthday Barnes Montessori Nursery

    Mon 22 July 24

    The occasion of the 55th Birthday of the Barnes Montessori Nursery was marked with a Summer Concert. All the children were involved and parents were invited to join in and celebrate. The children sang with great gusto and enthusiasm many songs they have learnt throughout the year and incorporating many aspects of the Early Years Foundation Stage. Everyone joined in to sing “Happy Birthday” and enjoyed some birthday cake made by one of the teachers. Miss Anne-Marie thanked all the children who have been at the BMN over the years. Parents for their... Read more

  • World Book Day

    Thu 07 March 24

    WORLD BOOK DAY – Thursday, 7th March 2024 We all want children and young people to develop a life-long habit of reading for pleasure and enjoy the improved life chances this brings them. World Book Day supports you to promote a reading for pleasure culture. We encouraged the children to bring in photos of the different places they may read or be read to. These ranged from the laundry basket, toy box, in bed, in the bath, under the kitchen table and more. One of the many wonderful things about reading... Read more

  • CHRISTMAS CHARITY - December 2023 - Genetic Haemochromatosis

    Sun 31 December 23

    Barnes Montessori Nursery’s chosen charity for Christmas 2023 was for Haemochromatosis UK. With the generosity of parents, staff and local businesses the incredible sum of £3,196.05 was raised. Thanks to very generous donations for an Auction, Raffle, Cake Stall and further donations this was possible. Genetic haemochromatosis (GH) is the UK’s most common genetic condition, directly affecting over 380,000 people. The condition is significantly under-diagnosed. Untreated, the condition can lead to iron overload, where the body is unable to process excess iron. The body cannot naturally get rid of the extra iron –... Read more


    Wed 03 May 23

    The Barnes Montessori Nursery sends congratulations to his Majesty King Charles III and Queen for their coronation. God Save the King! Read more

  • World Book Day 2023

    Thu 02 March 23

    Books, books, books! World Book Day is a charity event which is celebrated on the first Thursday in March in the UK and Ireland. It was first celebrated in 1998. The advantages of reading with children are many. Benefits include comfort and reassurance, confidence and security, relaxation, happiness and fun. Reading to children boosts their brain development, attention span, creativity and your bond. A child read to every day will have been exposed to an estimated 1.4 million words more than those that aren’t read to by the time they are 5! Montessori... Read more

  • Parent Social Evening

    Thu 22 September 22

    A very successful Parent Social was held at the school. Parents were invited into their child’s classroom and they chatted to staff and other parents whilst seeing the classrooms and activities on offer. It was a very convivial evening. Read more

  • Summer Fair

    Fri 01 July 22

    Parents at the Nursery organised a Summer Fair on the school premises involving members of the Barnes Community. The famous white rabbit of Barnes opened the event and still remains anonymous! He is a well known figure on the 1st of every month. The local police came to support and encourage safety; representatives from the Wetlands Centre had their stands; Petite Performers; Book Author; Magician; Face Painters; Barnes Mini League Football Club; Martial Arts; Fancy Dress photo opportunity; the very popular Bouncy Castle and Play ball were some of the many entertainments for... Read more

  • SEND Local Offer

    Wed 22 June 22

    The SEND local offer covers services from birth to 25, across education, health and social care. Kingston and Richmond children’s services are provided by Achieving for Children. The SEND Local Offer sits within their AfCinfo website or you can use this direct link Local Offer website for Kingston and Richmond SEND Local Offer leaflet If you don’t live in Kingston or Richmond, your home local authority will also have a SEND Local Offer. Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Parent and Carer Engagement Team The role of this team in Kingston and Richmond is to ensure... Read more


    Fri 18 March 22

    The Barnes Montessori Nursery collected, with parent and staff generosity, a huge carload of nappies, nappy creams, wipes, formula milk, femine hygiene items, paracetamol etc. for Ukraine refugees in Poland. These were taken to Hamilton House (The White Eagle Club) in Balham where teams of volunteers were organising lorry loads to go to Poland to help the many displaced by this tragic war. The Community spirit seen everywhere is very moving. The psychological damage and suffering and human loss of life affecting so many families is horrendous. We hope and... Read more


    Thu 03 March 22

    World Book Day is an important day in the calendar to encourage children, from all backgrounds, to develop a love of reading for pleasure. Lives can be changed through a love of books and shared reading, and to give every child the opportunity to have a book of their own. Children of the Barnes Montessori Nursery were invited to come dressed in a favourite character. The staff also ‘dressed up’ and there was much fun, enthusiasm and curiosity as the children asked questions and enjoyed many stories read to them. All the children were given... Read more


    Mon 04 October 21

    Parents were invited to come and visit their child’s classroom and meet the team over wine and refreshments. This event proved to be a great success and particularly happy after the long months we have all experienced with COVID. There was a very cheerful and positive atmosphere as parents socialised and learnt more about what their children were doing on a daily basis. The experienced and welcoming staff showed parents how the Montessori equipment and various resources were used. They were invited ‘to play’ too! Read more